Thanks to everyone who helped this year’s Maker Faire Bay Area be so special! We are looking forward to seeing everyone next year and are already improving our show. Below is a photo our booth before the event started. It is hard to believe over one thousand people visited us over the course three days!
Want to see how our autonomous robots experienced Maker Faire Bay Area? Check out the video below, generated based on the stimuli, emotions, and actions of HipMonsters’ two robots over the course of three days at the Maker Faire.
The robots recorded the following sensory data:
💙 Noise: A sudden, loud noise. Represented by the color Blue.
💚 Distance: Motion within 1 foot. Represented by the color Green.
🧡 Movement: Motion within 6 feet. Represented by the color Orange.
💛 Speech: The spoken word “robotics”. Represented by the color Gold.
💗 Touch: Contact on the touch sensor. Represented by the color Pink.
🤖 Frequency of Stimuli: How often or rarely the robots received stimuli. Captured by the Movement of the cube.
🔉 Mood: Happy or overstimulated. Reflected in the choice of Sound.
Turn up the volume of the video! It’s not music you’re hearing, but the robots’ moods given the stimuli.
Since we engaged the Touch sensor at the end of each demo, this means we ran 420 complete demos over 3 days. Our robots have been well socialized!
Happy Creating!