HipMonsters.com is run by monsters hip to how to combine magic and technology. The HipMonsters team makes everything on this site. We are inspired by steampunk artistry, wood crafting, and robotics.
Over a decade ago, HipMonsters was a site dedicated to our love of San Francisco, CA. As the team grew, our interest expanded from blogging about art to creating art.
During the beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2020, a sister team who at the time were ages 6 and 9 took over the site and started showing their creations to inspire others.
Currently, the sisters are exploring Steampunk art and creations inspired by GirlGenius but other work that has influenced them is MythBusters, The Woodwright’s Shop, The Addams Family, and Harry Potter to name a few!
As the sister’s interest grew, HipMonsters incorporated more styles, techniques, and methods but in their hearts, this site is still about exploring the magic of art and technology.
Everything on this site is for entertainment purposes. Please read our disclaimer.
San Francisco, Bay Area