Street Art in Taipei

While visiting Taipei we went to the Wanhua district, famous for its amazing street art. It is located in Taipei’s oldest district and is surrounded by history, great food and shopping. While San Francisco, CA has a great collection of murals, we were not prepared for how unique, large, and pristine the street art was in Taipei. In New York and San Francisco there is often layers upon layers of graffiti often obscuring one another in a jumble of imagery. In Taipei, most of the street art was unstructured making you feel like you were walking through a museum rather than an alley. We would see often time see people slowly walking doing an alley as if strolling a museum, pausing at a piece of street art that caught their imagination. Below is a collection of our favorites. 

This is a view of the alley call America Street in the Wanhua district where we found most of the art. It is a fun art focused district to visit.

This four-eyed creature in an Elmo costume. We saw three different versions of this image throughout the city. 

Painted by De_24, this amazing bunny is also frequently seen throughout Taipei. You can check out more of De_24 here

This creative flying cat is painted by Psoman.

This 3-eyed creature is painted by Binzilla

The artist is unknown.

The artist is unknown.

The artist is unknown.

The artist is unknown.The artist is unknown.

The artist is unknown.

Street art made by Alex Face near a park in Taipei.

Laura George

Laura George Art Surreal yet fun, Laura George’s work harks back to the vivid and fun imagery of the Seventies. From a fun loving sloth to a monster telling you not to panic the art is creative and playful, a good fit for any monster’s home.

Laura George Art There are lots of nice people to meet (shown left) is a great example of her work. Stylized faces stare out from the art each with there own distinct personality. From the boyish face looking far away to the woman who seems consumed in gloom, each face has a story to tell. This is true of all her work. They are snapshots from a still unfolding story which we are fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of.


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Camilla d Errico

Camilla d Errico Logo Japanese anime inspired art, Camilla d Errico’s works are cute and fun. The theme of most of her works are portraits of young women with bright color themes and cute props. Check out the toys and jewelry as well.




Camilla d Errico Art Elephant Men is an oddly captivating print. A girl glimpsing out of the corner of her eye, catches your stare. And on her head is a strange creature who gives you a look over. Sounds like a typical night for any monster. The targeted use of color makes of a draws you in. A perfect print for an office or monster’s den.




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Michael Leu

Michael Leu Logo Cats are the closest thing to a monster most humans will ever get near.  No creature is near to monster’s heart than a cat and few artist capture the essence of a cat better than Michael Leu. He has had a long career and wandered through many styles.  Most of his works draws its influence from European Expressionism. The works most enjoyed by HipMonsters harks to Matisse.


Michael Leu Art Studio Cat II has a cat doing what a cat does best, laying down. The cat’s weary eyes strains to look up. You feel as if you have disturbed his rest and want to pouch on him with loving attention. The lines seem drawn from a Zen-like state of mind.  The colors laid on as if rained down from the sky.  Michael Leu’s painting are a joy to own.

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Juli Adams

Juli Adams Logo Juli Adams’ art is quirky surrealism at its best. Her topics range from children with huge monsters as pets to big-eyed portraits of girls with antlers to flying penguins. Her work has a modern Gothic feel with rich details and beautiful, dark colors. Sometime her work is a bit moody if not borderline creepy but it is always fun.

Juli Adams ArtBeautiful, dreamy and strange, Escape show penguins gliding from a platform on a huge floating fish in the sky. You have to wonder how Juli Adams come up with her visions. Perfectly executed it is a wonderful piece of art to explore.

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Johnny Botts

Johnny Botts Art Although monsters and robots have had their troubles in the past us monsters at Hip Monsters love Johnny Botts’ art. He makes portraits of robots that are more sentimental and lovable than most portraits of children. The robots have a genuine innocence about them that is enduring.

Johnny Botts Art Sneaking Cookies brings to life a robot child with a simple, retro-style drawing of an android stealing cookies while making sure no one is looking. The backgrounds are key to Johnny Botts’ art.  In this pieces the clean lines of of kitchen and cookie jar beautifully drawn, make the robot pop out of the piece.

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Catia Chien

Catia Chien Logo Artwork for the pensive Monster, Catia Chien s work draws a Monster in. Saturated colors embrace her figures who reside in a dream world all her own. Her books are among our favorite short graphic novels with beautiful art and memorable stories.

Catia Chien Art Dark, organic and ,moody Catia Chien s Valentine captures the feelings of loneliness we have had at one time or another. Emotions always run deep in her work and this can be seen here.

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