While visiting Taipei we went to the Wanhua district, famous for its amazing street art. It is located in Taipei’s oldest district and is surrounded by history, great food and shopping. While San Francisco, CA has a great collection of murals, we were not prepared for how unique, large, and pristine the street art was in Taipei. In New York and San Francisco there is often layers upon layers of graffiti often obscuring one another in a jumble of imagery. In Taipei, most of the street art was unstructured making you feel like you were walking through a museum rather than an alley. We would see often time see people slowly walking doing an alley as if strolling a museum, pausing at a piece of street art that caught their imagination. Below is a collection of our favorites.
This is a view of the alley call America Street in the Wanhua district where we found most of the art. It is a fun art focused district to visit.
This four-eyed creature in an Elmo costume. We saw three different versions of this image throughout the city.
Painted by De_24, this amazing bunny is also frequently seen throughout Taipei. You can check out more of De_24 here.
This creative flying cat is painted by Psoman.
This 3-eyed creature is painted by Binzilla.
The artist is unknown.
The artist is unknown.
The artist is unknown.
The artist is unknown.The artist is unknown.
The artist is unknown.
Street art made by Alex Face near a park in Taipei.