Indie Mart in the City

Indie Mart in San Francisco


Last weekend Indie-Mart got back into action with an outdoor event in San Francisco.  The weather was perfect, there was lots of vendors and everyone was in a festive mood. It has been awhile since the last Indie-Mart and we are very happy to see event return.  For those of you do not know about Indie-Mart it is a festival featuring indie artists and craftspeople. It is a great place to shop, eat or just hang out.
Indie Mart in San Francisco



There was a wide variety of vendors this year.  Soap seems to be in the new DIY trend.  The food variety this time was also greatly improved with chicken and waffles and Chairman Bao Bun Truck.  As always, they have a lots beer and wine to choose from. Check out Indie-Mart to see when the next event is.



Maggie Hurley's Art

I bought a great three piece series of robots by Maggie Hurley that I have been eyeing for sometime. I love her robots.


Nora Aoyagi

Nora Aoyagi logo Art and illustrations with a fondness for Monsters and other misunderstood creatures Nora Aoyagi is a Hip Monster’s favorite. Joined twins, fearsome wolfs and creatures of various sorts jump out of her art with elegant lines. Her black and white works are especially bold.

Nora Aoyagi, The Sisters, Art
The Sisters

The Sisters is a great example of Nora Aoyagi’s work. Two conjoined twins stare out at you, obviously tired of their other half. Strongly influenced by American folk-art traditions, her work, except for its twisted sense of humor, is reminiscent of the art you saw hanging in your grandmother’s house as a child.

Recommended for Monster art.
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