Every wand we craft has unique mythos and a special spell. This wand is called the Flame Tamer.
Flame Tamer was created on a hot sunny day which gave its power to control fire.
Special Spell
Control fire.
First, create a circle of fire. Then speak the incantation:
ignis coercere
While waving the wand in a circle then thrusting the wand through toward the flames. Focus your mind on an animal, like a hawk or a wolf, that you are most aligned with. The fire will assume the shape of that animal and will obey your commands.
It is 16 inches long. This wand was made from pine and was soaked in rose petals and red clay. it was spoke shaved with a small bend in the middle.
Every wand we craft has unique mythos and a special spell. This wand is called the Scarlet Sunset.
Scarlet Sunset was crafted as the sun was setting so its magic is strongest at night. For difficult spells, it is recommended to wait till a new moon. It plays well with fire and can even use fire as a healing energy to cure people and creatures.
Special Spell
Incendium Purgatio (Fire purification)
It is 14 3/4 inches long. Made of poplar grown in the Hip Monster’s realm. The wood was spoke shaven straight, soaked in oil with a rosemary and chives blend then polished with bee’s wax.
Every wand we craft has unique mythos and a special spell. This wand is called the Night View.
The wand Night View has a darker side. Made of poplar and dyed in dark herbs she is ready for night time adventures!.
Special Spell
Noctem Visus (Night Vision)
It is 13 1/2 inches long. Made of poplar grown in the Hip Monster’s realm. The wood was spoke shaven straight, soaked in oil with a blueberries and mint blend then polished with bee’s wax.
Severus Snape and Professor Sprout are two of our favorite characters in Harry Potter, and their story inspired the sister team to begin exploring potion making and herbology.
From our hidden garden in the city, the HipMonsters sister team will bring you tips on growing herbs in a city, how best to preserve and prepare your herbs, and how to have fun!
Our herb Garden
We started our herb garden by clearing and preparing several patches in our yard that were suitable for growing herbs. We ended up with two beds that received full midday sun and others that were in the shade most of the day during summer. Our yard is really old, so to prepare the beds we dug down 24 inches and churned in lost of fresh dirt. All of the beds had good drainage.
The sunniest bed after planting
After the beds were done, we observed how much sun they received and how the water drained. Using this information, we researched the best herbs for each bed focusing on herbs that were well-suited for San Francisco’s climate. Here is a good article to start your research.
Sage in Bloom
Here is a list of some of the herbs that worked best:
Yerba Buena
Red Veined Sorrel
Wild Garlic
Our Flower Garden
Most of our yard has is dedicated to native plants or flowers that are good for bees. This gives us flowers nearly year round. The credit for most of the planting is the prior owner who took great care to attract bees and birds. We have tried to follow in her footsteps and have several bumble bee nests throughout our yard as well as lots of honey bees from neighboring hives.
Many of the flowers are perfect for drying but most are not good in flower arrangement because they die too quickly once cut. Here is a great article on the types of flowers in our yard. Even though most of the flowers are native, we still need to care or them and fertilize the beds a few times a year using liquid kelp. The most important thing is to never rip up the flowers after they die. We leave them to assure the seeds will spread for next year’s crop. This does look a little unkept but the next spring will make up for it.
Potion collection
And now our Harry Potter fandom kicks in. Given our growing collection of herbs and dried flowers, we decided to make to our own potion cabinet hidden deep in our basement!
Our well-used mortar and pestle
From our store we craft little bags and jars filled with ground up herbs and flowers as presents.
Herbs ready for cooking
We also bottle up our best dried herbs to be used in our cooking and potion-making!